Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Creepy Santa

When in Norway, my mom has all these christmas things out, obviously since its christmas, but found this pequliourly tell me!?

The Flying Trapeze School

So a little while back, I went down to my friends Flying Trapeze School, next to Bayfront Park, Miami. LJ and Mark have been there for a while and teaches people how to fly! 
Its awesome!! check it out, in my second try I felt like a pro!!! plus I was hungover like crazy from the night before, when I had Animals of the Arctic in my studio in North Miami but flying and the adrenaline took care of that!!

the day before like I said, el grande performance by Animals of the Arctic and several others too, that I forgot, but check it! Kinda reminds of the Factory days of Warhol a little bit, all of the amaezing artists and hipsters of Miami represented and it was art!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

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So I started WMC 09 at Setai, checking out my home girl Monica''S  Fashion show at this years Funkshion Show. Was wvery cool, and she's very talented and will shoot her next line! Fab and a high five! In the pic, my bro Raveneny, a fellow photographer that kicks ass in what he does! And if you havent seen him out and about, watch out, he's a hurricane, a good one though!

and so the night went crashing further as i end up at Gansevoort with Lex and Sam Baum, two awesome fellow anarkists! that makes mayhem everywhere they go. more cumming...

Attended Bacardi Live the other day and it's amaezing how much talent one grows during the day and night! Hire me for parties, I can also do flips!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Back in MIA

So after a long and exhausting 3 week christmas in Norway, I finally got back to my new home MIA. And celebrated in the only way possible!

and it was amaezing! Cheers!

Killin time at Schipol airport!

So as I'm walking through this kinda cool airport i stumbled upon this really rad stencil art!
check it out!